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heartA Division of Student Affairs


Our vision is to be a comprehensive collaborative and engaged Student Health Service in ensuring the holistic well being of students of the Nelson Mandela University.


As the Student Health Service we endorse the mission statement and core values of the Nelson Mandela University and endeavor to provide to all  students within the boundaries of various laws:

  • Comprehensive primary health care,
  • Occupational health care,
  • Comprehensive HIV/AIDS care and support.


The nurses pledge of service encompasses the values that the Student Health Service endeavors to uphold:

  • The Nurses Pledge of Service:

I solemnly Pledge myself to
the service of Humanity and
will endeavour to practise my
profession with conscientiousness
and with dignity.

I will maintain by all the
means in my power the honour
and the noble traditions of my

The total health of my patients
will be my first consideration
I will hold in confidence all
personal matters coming to my

I will not permit consideration
of religion, nationality, race or
social standing to intervene
between my duty and my

I will maintain the utmost
respect of human life
I make these promises
solemnly, freely and upon my honour.

  • In addition to the above we are guided by the Charter of Patient’s Rights, the Rights of the Caregiver and Batho Pele.
  • The Student Health Service has strategic partnerships with all departments within Nelson Mandela University. The nature of collaboration include amongst others, service providing, referral, information gathering, etc.
  • Through the South African Association of Student Health Services (SAACHS), Occupational Society of South Africa (OCSA) and the Higher Education Against AIDS (HEAIDS) program, collaboration is fostered with various institutions of higher learning, both nationally and internationally.