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It has been known for more than 40 years that smoking causes disease in the smoker. Proof now also exists that passive smoking is just as dangerous!

To help all staff and students see the value of this policy, we provide you with the following information regarding active and passive smoking.

Types of smoke

  • Mainstream smoke - this is the smoke directly inhaled from the burning cigarette
  • Exhaled mainstream smoke - this is the smoke breathed out by the smoker, from his lungs
  • Sidestrearn smoke - this is the smoke drifting from the burning cigarette
  • Passive smoking will consist mainly of exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestrearn smoke
  • Active smoking consists of all three types, thus giving the smoker a triple dose of smoke all the time

Effects of passive smoking on the body

  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • chest illnesses in children
  • lung cancer
  • other lung diseases
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • irritation effects of smoke to eyes, nose, throat and airway passages

What does smoking do to my body?

A. Effects on my heart

  • increased heart rate
  • irregular pulse
  • increased blood pressure
  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • decreased oxygen supply
  • aneurism

B. Effects on my lungs

  • cancer
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, etc
  • emphysema
  • chronic obstructive airways disease

C. Effects in men

  • impotence
  • decreased sperm
  • abnormal sperm

D. Effects in women

  • high risk with contraceptives for stroke, heart problems
  • decreased fertility
  • amenorrhoea
  • irregular periods
  • osteoporosis

E: Effects in pregnancy

  • In the mother
    • anaemia
    • tiredness
    • decreased appetite
    • high risk for abortion
  • In the baby
    • nicotine cross placenta - and breast milk barrier
    • growth retardation
    • increased lung problems
    • increased heart rate
    • decreased oxygen supply to baby
    • abnormalities eg cleft palate

F. Cancers of

  • mouth
  • oesophagus
  • larynx
  • stomach
  • bladder, kidneys, pancreas, liver,
  • uterus, vulva, cervix
  • prostate, penis
  • blood

G. Other risks of smoking

  • fires and burns
  • poisoning
  • eyesight damaged
  • loss of smell
  • backache
  • skin changes (ageing etc)
  • snoring

Presently available statistics from the World Health Organisation indicates four million people annually die from smoking-related illnesses. This addiction will be the cause of 10 million deaths by the year 2020. Do you want to be part of this statistic?If not, stop now!

Guidelines to help you stop smoking

  • quit for yourself
  • it's not as hard as you think
  • know your addiction - the enemy
  • do it today - tomorrow may never come

If you are really serious about stopping, please contact us for more information.