The unspoken male problem

  • Do you have problems urinating?
  • Do you experience any pain in the genital region?
  • Do you experience any change in your sexual functioning?

If your answer to any of the above questions is yes - continue reading

Did you know that?

  • 96% of men over 45 years of age suffer from prostate enlargement?
  • men that lose their sexual drive do so mainly due to prostate disorders?

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a fibromuscular glandular organ lying just below the bladder. It is chestnut-shaped and surrounds the beginning of the uretha (bladder pipe to outside). It is composed of glands that secrete a milky fluid during ejaculation, but plays no other role during sexual activity.

What is prostatitis?

It is an infection of the prostate gland, which may be caused by one or more of several different things. It may start with a bacterial infection or you may have a uric acid disorder or prostate stones or even both.

Symptoms may include some or all of the following:

  • pain in the pelvic region
  • pain during urination
  • the bladder feels full
  • weak urinary stream
  • it is hard to hold urine in
  • a need to urinate frequently
  • a strain to begin urinating
  • problems with sexual functioning
  • blood in the semen
  • blood in the urine

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is a malignant growth of the glandular component of the prostate. It may spread beyond the capsule to the seminal vesicles and the lymph glands. The most common site is to the bone.

The causes are unknown and in the beginning there are no symptoms as the progress of the disease is very slow.

Late in the course of the disease the following may be present:

  • bladder outlet obstruction
  • blood in urine
  • pain in pelvic or lumbar area
  • pus in urine
  • on examination the prostate may feel hard, irregular and difficult to move as it adheres to the rectum and pelvic wall.

Treatment of cancer:

  • surgery, stage of disease will determine the extent of the operation
  • radiation therapy
  • hormone therapy

In conclusion

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men over 65, but in many cases it has no effect on life expectancy, because it is relatively easy to control if detected early via annual blood test and rectal examination.

If you need more information regarding this very important subject please feel free to contact the campus health service.

'Taking care of your prostate is taking care of your manhood.'
As stated by urologist Dr James Balch.