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Modern technological demands on vision have outpaced our evolutionary visual ability to cope.

Do you have any of the following problems?

  • headaches (during or after use of computers)
  • eye strain, (red, watery or dryness of the eyes)
  • sleepiness
  • fatigue (tired aching heaviness of the eyelids or forehead)
  • blurred vision
  • frequently losing place on the screen
  • double vision
  • difficulty seeing clearly at distance after prolonged computer use
  • excess fatigue with computer use
  • neck, shoulder or back tension, stiffness, or spasms
  • slow re-focusing when looking from the screen to distance or vice versa
  • light sensitivity
  • colour distortion

The above complaints may be caused by:

  • improper positioning in front of the computer
  • poor lighting
  • poor posture
  • using your computer for too lengthy periods

Tips to take care of your eyes

  • Regular visits to the ophthalmologist will rule out any eye diseases and possible need for spectacles.
  • try and keep monitor at least 60cm away from your eyes
  • position the monitor to be slightly below or at eye level
  • place paper work at a close level to avoid re-focusing when moving from screen to paper
  • dust screen often with an anti-static cloth
  • avoid reflections and glare from the sun and direct lighting
  • shield or dim overhead lights
  • turn monitor at a right angle to a window
  • blink eyes often to prevent them drying out
  • bifocals are not designed for computer use and may add to your eye strain (spectacles and contact lenses may need to be adjusted)
  • have your computer seen to if any flickering or dullness of the screen should occur
  • look across the room at a distant object every 15 min
  • wear dark coloured clothes to minimize reflections

Tips to prevent muscular pains


  • sit in a good posture with both feet flat on the floor, lower arms and thighs parallel to the floor
  • use a supportive chair
  • have a 15 min break every two hours when working on the computer
  • stretching exercises of the head, neck and lower back every one to two hours are recommended


  • rotate head in circular motion, first clockwise then anti-clockwise
  • shrug shoulders up, down backwards and forwards
  • while standing or sitting, bend at the waist, leaning first to the left, then to the right

Eyestrain is an annoying symptom which can be prevented or alleviated with minimal adjustments. These symptoms do not mean that continuing working on your computer will damage your eyes!